• Treehousecommpartner

Founded in 1988 by social workers, Treehouse is Washington’s leading nonprofit organization addressing the academic and other essential support needs of more than 7,000 youth in foster care. We’re committed to youth in care statewide achieving a degree or other career credential, living wage job and stable housing at the same rate as their peers. With fierce optimism, we fight the structural inequities that impact all of us. Learn more at www.treehouseforkids.org!


Equity Statement

"It is our hope at Treehouse that the death and injustices surrounding Breonna Taylor’s murder lead to more anti-racist practices and intentional reforms of any system that perpetuates racist ideas and policies. We will work in community as we design long-term and sustainable actions toward becoming a multicultural, anti-racist organization and transform systems to reduce disparities caused by systemic racism."
For more information about Treehouse's commitment to equity and racial justice, view their full equity statement.

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