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  • WA Bus

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The Washington Bus engages tomorrow's leaders on their own terms, and empowers them through education, civic and cultural engagement, and hands-on democracy.

We're you. We're young people (and the young at heart) here in Washington who want to make our state a better place. We know politics doesn't happen only in Olympia or in a business suit - it happens everywhere we are, dressed in sneakers and hoodies. Or maybe a onesie. At the Bus, we're shaping the future of Washington - and even more importantly, we put our words into action.

Good laws require good people in elected office. We support young, progressive candidates and make sure our generation has champions in Olympia.

We take control of, and responsibility for, our own future by making sure our friends and peers are registered to vote, know the issues, and fill out their ballots.

And, of course, the whole point is to have a good time while we get the job done. We think political parties forgot about the whole "party" aspect of politics, and we're putting it back in.

The Washington Bus is an innovative vehicle for hands-on democracy. We’re of young people, by young people, for all people. And, yes we have a bus.

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