‘Fate Plus’ Tour Connects To Fans Through Vibrant Performances

Review of Enhypen at Tacoma Dome

Written by TeenTix Newsroom Writer Rowan Santos and edited by Teen Editorial Staff Member Daphne Bunker

Enhypen 1

K-pop is famous for immersing its audience in bright colors, electric performances, singing, dancing, and endearing connections between artists and fans. One popular Korean boy group is Enhypen, a seven-member ensemble formed within the K-pop survival show I-Land. Enhypen consists of members Sunghoon, Heeseung, Sunoo, Jungwon, Jay, Jake, and Niki, who each contribute a distinct energy to the group. Whether elegant, grungy, or endearing, Enhypen pulls off an array of aesthetics. Since their iconic debut in 2020, Given Taken, Enhypen has experienced tremendous success, leading them to tour globally.

The Enhypen ‘Fate Plus’ tour came to the Tacoma Dome on April 28. When entering what appears to be an endless ocean of lines, you are submerged with devoted fans of the Enhypen group. Enhypen fans refer to themselves as “Engenes,” which represents their fueling support for the group as well as their vibrant connection to Enhypen. Everywhere you walk, fellow Engenes hand out free keychains and goodies, demonstrating a tight-knit community. They each wear clothes replicating themes from Enyphen albums, including grunge-like outfits and elegant apparel. Everyone appears hours, even days, before the concert in the hope of having early access. While standing through extensive lines, it’s easy to converse with fellow fans who admire the same group.

After waiting in line, I entered the stadium, where we were again handed merchandise. We were lucky enough to obtain VIP tickets in the pit, and I couldn't wait to experience their performance, as this was my first time ever attending a concert. While purchasing fan merchandise inside the stadium, enthusiastic screaming emerges from the stage. Enhypen is on the stage doing a sound check! This was before the majority of individuals were present, and only a few were admitted. Even before their concert began, their stage presence was overwhelmingly wonderful. Each member has such a strong stage presence; excellent expressions, captivating energy, and they illuminated the small crowd. You couldn’t avoid beaming with joy and singing along when they practiced their singing and dancing. Seeing them in real life, up close near the stage, struck awe in the audience. All eyes were drawn to their engaging pre-performance. After speaking to the audience, Enhypen member Jay reveals he grew up in Tacoma, the area where the concert is occurring. This forged a special performance as the crowd beamingly welcomed Jay back home. This was an excellent start to the concert and gave me a glimpse of what was yet to come.

Photo credit: Rowan Santos

As crowds emerged in the stadium, the stadium lit up, with many ecstatic fans. Screaming emanated through the crowd, even when members weren’t present on the stage. Everyone was excited to see their favorite group. As we eagerly waited for Enhypen to appear, the blazing lights suddenly dimmed. Enhypen arrived on stage. The energy in the stadium was electric as Enhypen began their performance, captivating the audience with their talent and stage presence. They first performed one of their most popular songs, Drunk-Dazed. Right at the start, it was clear that this concert was going to be a memorable experience for everyone in attendance. Their dancing was sleek and smooth, and their live vocals were clear and powerful. All their performances demonstrated overflowing energy. Some personal highlights were their hit songs Fever, Attention Please!, One & Only, and Bite Me. Their performance of Fever undoubtedly showcased Enhypen’s darker, more mature concept, and they performed in a graceful, yet strong manner. Next, Attention, Please! demonstrated their rock and punk concept, with electric guitars and fierce rhythms. After an array of mature concepts, Enhypen performed One & Only, an official song for the Pokemon series! The adorable song made the audience smile, then suddenly a human sized Pokemon, Pikachu, made an appearance on stage! This perfectly complemented the song's concept and made the listening experience even more delightful.

As an audience member, seeing the members in front of me gave me shivers. Their presence is truly distinct, with a natural gravity that draws you toward them. Whether with the precision of their dances, or their subtle gestures, you're completely drawn towards their performance and its unending visual interest. I had an amazing time attending the ‘Fate Plus’ concert, and it deepened my devotion to Enhypen. I truly learned how talented they are as performers, and how likable they are as a group.

The crowd’s energy was unlike anything I’ve ever seen. The whole stadium shook with the sound. Whenever the group introduced a new song, cheers vibrated in the room. Whenever they did an amazing dance or vocal performance, the audience stomped their feet, creating a unique chant. Whenever their favorite members appeared, fans started barking to demonstrate their admiration for the group. This resulted in a dynamic experience, being entertained by the Enhypen’s amazing performance and audience connection. The energy of the fans in Tacoma was special, but it was Enhypen's powerful vocals and dynamic choreography that brought out this energy, creating an unforgettable atmosphere and leaving us in awe. The concert was a perfect blend of music, visuals, and pure excitement that kept fans on their feet throughout the entire show.

Photo credit: Rowan Santos

Lead Photo Credit: Rowan Santos

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