GiveBIG SUPERSTAR Hana Peoples on Finding Her Perfect Arts Match!


Introducing our TeenTix GiveBIG SUPERSTAR, Hana Peoples! Hana is one of fewer than 20 people in the whole world who has donated to TeenTix during GiveBIG every year 6 years in a row! She is a TeenTix alumni who recently moved back to Seattle after graduating from UCLA with a Masters in Cinema and Media Studies. Hana is currently starting a part time internship with Telescope Film where she will be helping with their international film database. In a recent interview, we got to know Hana and hear about her arts experiences with TeenTix and beyond.

Hana was first introduced to TeenTix by a friend, and together they attended a show at Pacific Northwest Ballet. At the time, Hana went to Holy Names Academy for and always felt like she didn’t quite fit in. She enjoyed theater and dance, but didn’t want to perform.

Hana (right) and her friend Lena at her last TeenTix event, PNB's The Nutcracker, in 2013.

Hana also always enjoyed going to Seattle International Film Festival, and spent a total of two years interning there in both Education and African Pictures. She shared how one of her arts experiences at SIFF felt like the perfect match for her. Her senior year, she was on the Future Wave Youth Jury. They saw a lot of films, and awarded prizes to their favorites. Hana loved going to see films and hearing director talkbacks; she felt like she was in the room with the next star! This experience inspired her to work in film and create conversation in communities using cinematography.

Another memorable arts experience for Hana was when she was studying abroad at the University of Auckland. She decided to go see art whenever she could. There was a late-night theater show in a little hole in the wall spot, and some friends decided to go. When they arrived, the performers asked for volunteers to come on stage. Hana wasn’t the type of person to normally volunteer, but thought she would give it a shot. They were escorted to a tent on stage where they watched the rest of the show. Though they had absolutely no idea what was going to happen the entire show, it was one of the best experiences she had from that trip. “Sometimes going into a show blind is the best way to watch it,” Hana said.

Hana loves and supports TeenTix because it truly made her teen years a more beautiful and creative period, especially during times she did not have a fun, safe, and supportive space for a break from school and teen life. TeenTix was also instrumental in inspiring her to pursue education and work in the media and arts sector. She loves that TeenTix opens new doors and worlds to teens. This possibility of discovery is what inspired her as a young person and she now wants to support the next generation of arts lovers and professionals.

We are so grateful to Hana for her ongoing support and for being a GiveBIG Superstar! Become a GiveBIG Superstar yourself by donating HERE!

Lead photo caption: Hana in Telluride, CO, attending the Telluride Film Festival with UCLA in 2019

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