I really enjoyed this production. I believed that ...

I really enjoyed this production. I believed that teens doing RENT would be positively awful, but I was pleasantly surprised. I felt all of the leads had something great to offer. Mark was perfectly cast. He is born to play that role. He even looks like Mark. I thought he was a great actor and had a good connection to his part. Roger did a great job of showing how tormented his character was and the pain that he went through when he lost April and almost lost Mimi. Angel was a delight to watch, and he really encapsulated what I believe the character Angel should be like. He was full of love and joy, and showed how he wanted everyone to be happy and accept others. Maureen was a riot. Her version of "over the moon" had the whole audience hooked, and I also thought the backup singers really added a level of humor to that song. I couldn't stop laughing. Benny was decent, I just wish his mic would have been a little louder, I could tell that he had a nice voice. Collins was fantastic. His love for Angel seemed so real, and he captured the sadness one would feel if his or her lover died. Joanne's voice was clear and soulful, and even though it may have been better if she were a black teen, she was the next best thing to it. The Tango was so fun to watch, and Mark and Joanne's voices blended together really nicely. I also thought Maureen and Joanne had a fabulous rendition of Take Me Or Leave Me, they really pulled it off. I was really impressed with Mimi, doing high-kicks and singing a difficult belty song while still maintaining the sex appeal can't be easy, though she and Roger lacked chemistry. All of the voicemails were hilarious, and the ensemble had great presence and made the most of the solos they were given. I think everyone who wrote bad comments should cut the cast a bit of slack. For doing RENT as teenagers, they did a great job.
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