Your Voice Matters: Vote in the #2018TeenyAwards!

VOTE NOW to choose the winners of this year's Teeny Awards!

You've got the power.

The #2018TeenyAwards is the Biggest Little Awards Show in Seattle, where the fate of each nominee rests in YOUR hands! That's right, TEENS get to make the final decision each year about which organizations will take home a coveted Teeny Award and the sweet, sweet bragging rights that go along with it.

VOTE NOW and tell us about the art you loved seeing!

Every TeenTix Member who votes will be eligible to win a drawing that includes tickets to the Seattle Aquarium + The Space Needle.

Don't forget to join us on October 7th for the #2018TeenyAwards to find out who made the cut! RSVP for the FREE ceremony (that includes a reception with Cupcake Royale cupcakes, Rachel's Ginger Beer, a red carpet photo booth, crafts, games, and more) and buy your dinner tickets here.

Now, go forth and exercise your rights! Voting ends on September 12, 2018.

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