Hey you! With all the ideas! Get over here!

Teen Tix is pleased to fling open its doors and hand you the keys. In other words: COME AND JOIN OUR TEEN STEERING COMMITTEE!

Teen Tix’s Teen Steering Committee is a group of opinionated and highly dedicated individuals who are committed to making the arts accessible for young people.

Here are a few of the things that we do:

• Come up with innovate marketing techniques for promoting the arts to teenagers
• Award our annual Teeny Awards, recognizing the best in teen-friendly local arts
• Write and create content for the Teen Tix blog, website, and other media outlets
• Meet with leaders from various arts organizations to share our ideas and learn about what they do
• Serve as “watchdogs” by attending venues and checking up on the box office experience
• Plan and help execute special events at Participating Organizations
• Act as ambassadors for Teen Tix at our schools
• Help set the course for the future of the Teen Tix program
• See shows!

If you believe that the arts are valuable, if you want to help make the arts accessible for everyone regardless of age or income, and if you want to be a leader in Seattle’s youth arts movement, we need your voice!

• The Teen Steering Committee meets monthly from October to June of each year at Seattle Center.
• Participation in the committee can qualify for Service Learning Credit at your school.
• First Meeting for the 2010-11 school year will be held Wednesday, September 29th.

Ready to throw in your name?
It’s easy! You must be nominated to join the committee. Simply have an adult (who is not your parent) or a fellow teen
email us with a short explanation of why YOU should be part of our team. Make sure they include your name and email address, so we can follow up with you.

Hurry! The first meeting of the year is September 29th!
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