Marissa B + Seattle Opera

Lucia di Lammermoor at the Seattle Opera was awesome! It was dramatic and beautiful and disturbing. The costumes were perfect 19th century. The lighting was so evocative of the mood of each particular scene, going from warm gold tones to gray-blue suddenly at one pivotal point of madness and despair. I think I expected stiffer performances, but the acting was superb, very emotional and involving. Go just for the spectacle and excitement, if not for the absolutely wonderful music! Seeing all these people in spectacular costume, on all the different levels of an imaginative castle set, singing for all they're worth-- it really is an experience. And it's not all gloom and doom, if I gave that impression. There's some unexpected comedy. It's only playing for a couple more days, so go so it now!

What is this? It's the Teen Tix (he)ARTSCrush Adventure Quest, a month-long contest where you can win prizes for going to see art. All you have to do is go to an arts venues you've never been to before, write us a note about it, and you might win a fabulous prize pack including tons of tickets and memberships to local arts venues. It's the Teen Tix (he)ARTSCrush Adventure Quest! To enter, go to this form, write a note (150 words or less) about your experience at a new-to-you arts venue, and hit "Submit." Boom. You're entered to win. Do it over and over and over again and you might get crowned Seattle's Bravest Young Arts-Goer TM. More details here. SUBMISSIONS ACCEPTED THROUGH NOVEMBER 5, 2010. Good luck!
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