Our very first national press!

​NPR shows TeenTix the love


This is BIG. We got our very first national press today when a story about TeenTix from local NPR station KPLU was posted to national NPR's facebook wall! WOO HOO!!!!

TeenTixers, just take a second and remember how amazing you are. Seattle is the only place in the country that has TeenTix. Seattle is showing the rest of the world that teens actually do care about art. You are making a difference for young people everywhere. Go YOU.

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This Just In: Teens Like Art

​TeenTix members purchased over 10,000 five-dollar tickets to the arts in 2013


Hey! Did you guys know that teens like art? Of course you did, and so did we! That's why there's a thing called TeenTix, tra la la.

But did you know HOW MUCH teens like art? Guess what? It's SO MUCH. For example, in 2013, teens liked art 10,689 times (And that's only counting the times you liked art with TeenTix. We know that you sometimes go see art without us AND WE'RE TOTALLY FINE WITH IT.)

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2014 Parent Survey: Results and Answers


Thank you to all of the TeenTix parents who took the time to complete our first-ever parent survey! Your answers have already helped us make the program better for you and your kids.

Today I wanted to share some of the results of the survey, share some of your comments, and answer some questions that came up a lot. Of course, if you have any questions or thoughts about to improve TeenTix, I would love to hear from you. My email address is holly@teentix.org and my phone number is 206.233.3938. Thank you for being a part of the TeenTix community and for all that you do to support your children's art explorations!

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So long, Pete! Hello, Pete!

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Hello TeenTix community!

As many of you are already aware, TeenTix is in the midst of a huge transition. We are leaving the comfortable nest of Seattle Center (our home since 2004) and striking out to conquer the world as an independent organization. (We're not *literally* leaving Seattle Center--our offices will still be here--but we are no longer a Seattle Center program.) While this change is mostly a really happy and exciting one, there's one part that's not so happy, and that's saying goodbye to someone who has been an integral part of our team for five years: Pete Rush.

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Happy Holiday Happenings

​A round-up of holiday events

Nutcracker 1

There’s a definite chill in the air, fireplaces are crackling, and more strings of twinkle lights appear every day. But if that’s not enough to get you in the holiday spirit, don’t give up just yet. With the help of your TeenTix pass, it’s easy to find something out there to warm even the Scroogiest of hearts.

For the easily swayed, there are the Christmas classics — as sweet and simple as sugar cookies, and just as loved.

It’s a Wonderful Life has been reaffirming its holiday-classic standing since its release way back in 1946. It’s likely you’ll be watching it this season, so why not make an event of it? It’s playing in it’s usual film form at Grand Illusion Cinema. Or you can catch a live production when either Seattle Radio Theatre or The 14/48 Projects Theatre Anonymous act it out (in Theatre Anonymous' version, nobody--not even the cast--knows who is in the cast. Seriously.) And finally, Jet City Improv offers its own improvised version with It’s Your Wonderful Life.

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We’re in the news!

​The Seattle Times and KUOW feature TeenTix director Holly Arsenault as one of 13 local arts leaders to watch


Hey! We're famous!

Today you can read an article in the Seattle Times AND listen to a radio story on KUOW about TeenTix and our director, Holly Arsenault. Here's a nice quote from the Times story:

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Musical Theatre Fans, Rejoice!

​(And you're ALL musical theatre fans, whether you know it yet or not.)


Oh, nothing. Just a tiny announcement. No big deal. We just thought you might want to help us welcome the NEWEST TEENTIX PARTNER, THE 5th AVENUE THEATRE !!!!!!!!

Oh, wait, actually, that's an enormous deal. Why, you ask? (We know you already know why, but we're going to tell you anyway, 'cause we're super excited.)

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Young Arts Leaders: We Want You!

​Rabble rousers sought


Recruitment for The New Guard: Teen Arts Leadership Society is in full swing and we want YOU. Young, engaged citizens with good ideas who care about art--that's who we're looking for. Click here to learn about The New Guard and submit your application TODAY. Our first meeting is just three weeks away!

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A Rep From Every School

​If you go to a Seattle public high school and you care about the arts, we want YOU to join The New Guard.

New Guard Public Schools Recruitment

If you go to Ballard, Center School, Chief Sealth, Cleveland, Franklin, Garfield, Nathan Hale, Ingraham, NOVA, Rainier Beach, Roosevelt, World School, South Lake or West Seattle, we want YOU to join The New Guard!

New Guard (formerly known as the TeenTix Steering Committee) members guide TeenTix, keep us honest, learn about the ins-and-outs of the arts world, give out The Teeny Awards (our annual Teen Choice Awards for arts), see shows for free, plan awesome events, meet arts leaders, meet each other, get service learning credit, and have super awesome fun times. What's not to love?

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Join the New Guard and Shape the Future of the Arts!


TeenTix and Seattle University’s Arts Leadership Program invite high school students with a passion for the arts and an interest in arts leadership to apply to join The New Guard: Teen Arts Leadership Society (formerly known as the TeenTix Steering Committee).

WHAT IS THE NEW GUARD? The New Guard offers 14- to 18-year-olds the opportunity to play a central role in guiding TeenTix, while progressing through an ever-deepening curriculum in arts leadership. Committed members who have served at least 20 hours on the TeenTix Steering Committee will be matched with mentors at TeenTix partner organizations. Mentorships may focus on arts management, arts marketing, fundraising, or artistic planning. This multi-year program culminates in the opportunity to attend classes in Seattle U’s BA in Arts Management Program.

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MOHAI: Call for Creative Teens!


Hey, Teen Tixers!

The Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI) is looking to build and cater to their teen audiences by adding YOU to their advisory board--and they'll pay you! Check out the FAQ for this program to see if you'd like to join the creative museum forces of Seattle:

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Intern-A-Palooza 2013!


BREAKING NEWS: INTERN-A-PALOOZA 2013 has begun! This summer, TeenTix is thrilled to bring Kate L. and Quynh T. into the office to be a part of our work behind the scenes. That's right--there is now a full-fledged TEAM bringing you arts access for teens, and they are bringing the heat! (Also, they're crowding our teeny office. But we have to admit, we love it.) Leah, our Communications Associate, sat down with each of them for a closer look into the madness of Intern-A-Palooza:

Name: Kate L. Age: 17 years old From: Ballard, WA Name an artist that inspires you, and why: I really like Amanda Palmer. She's cool because she represents feminism--she doesn't care about others' expectations about her. Like, she doesn't shave her legs. She shaves off her eyebrows. She's totally original. Also, I like that she connects with her fans online through Twitter and Facebook. I think her intentions are really heartfelt and I respect that. What is your job at TeenTix and what do you like about it so far? My job is to create labels and mail passes every week for new users and teens who lost their passes, and I organize the blog and keep the calendar updated. I like working at TeenTix because they help give teens access to art, and helps them connect with new material. I also like looking at my work and saying, "Man, look at that. What an awesome calendar!" I love that TeenTix constantly works to keep things current for its users, and always adds new info while it works to reach as many teens as possible. What are some of your hobbies? Drama/Improv, swimming is a favorite activity of mine, and I love dogs. What kind of dogs do you have? I have two Corgis. They like sausages. What's a random fact about you? I once had a cat who lived to be 18 years old. His name was Henry.

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Summer 2013 Arts Opportunities for Teens!

​Looking for art-related stuff to do this summer? Boy, did you come to the right place.


We've been searching high and low for summer programs, classes, camps, and other opportunities for teens just like YOU! In this list, you'll be able to find everything under the sun happening in Seattle this summer. Stay cool and get your art on!

~D A N C E~

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My Mom Made Me Do It

On Wednesday, May 15th, TeenTix will participate in GiveBIG, a 24-hour online charitable giving event, for the very first time.

We are thrilled to be a part of the Seattle Foundation's gigantic giving party. Any money that you give to TeenTix on that day -- whether it's $5, $10, $20, or $2000 -- will be stretched by the Seattle Foundation into an even bigger gift! PLUS, your gift could win one of the hourly Golden Tickets, which means that TeenTix will get an additional $1000 to help keep art affordable and accessible for everyone. Hooray!

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WA High School Students Compete at Seattle Rep in August Wilson Monologue Competition

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Over 50 Seattle-area high school students are preparing to compete in the third annual Seattle semi-finals of the August Wilson Monologue Competition (AWMC) at Seattle Repertory Theatre. The participants will perform a three-minute monologue from one of August Wilson’s plays on Feb. 23, 2013, and 10 finalists will compete in the public finals on Feb. 26, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. Three winners of the Seattle competition will receive cash prizes ($500, $250 and $100) and a trip to New York City to participate in the National Finals on Broadway at the August Wilson Theatre in May 2013.

The inspiration for the AWMC was sparked in 2007 in Atlanta by Wilson’s long-time collaborators Kenny Leon and Todd Kreidler of True Colors Theatre Company. They’ve since added regional competitions in Boston, Chicago, New York, Pittsburgh, and Seattle with a national competition culminating in New York City. The program is now in its seventh year.

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The First Time I Used My TeenTix Pass

​Are you nervous about using your TeenTix pass for the first time? Worried it won't work? Scared you'll be laughed out of the box office? You're not alone!

Watch this video of TeenTix members talking about the first time they used their TeenTix passes and you'll feel much much better, we promise.

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